An interdisciplinary project and thesis in the service of cancer research
Floriane Cannet's thesis has made it possible to acquire knowledge of the tumour microenvironment and to translate this knowledge into new therapies. A first publication recently appeared in iScience (2025) presents the experimental results of two treatments for liver cancer combined with immunotherapy. A machine learning approach processing tumour imaging and immune profile data has identified a putative immune signature predicting response to tumour treatment in mice and patients. The results obtained as part of the DePIcT project illustrate how the tumour immune microenvironment is differentially remodelled by distinct anti-cancer agents and highlight the importance of measuring its modulation during treatment in order to optimise combinations of oncotherapy and immunotherapy.
At CERIMED since 12 Dec 2023, the PIXSCAN-FLI prototype will continue to be used for research into the treatment of liver cancer, in collaboration with CRCM as part of the SELF PorTrait study funded by the ARC Foundation for Cancer Research.
Biomedical Imaging School Cargèse, 29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023
Best poster second place awarded to Alicia Garnier for her contribution from TIAra entitled Time-of-flight imaging for prompt gamma imaging in proton therapy.
Modeling photon transport through an optical coating
To model transmision through an optical coating for ClearMind, a new C++ method decribed in IEEE NSS/MIC Conf. Rec. was developped for Geant4 that gives the thin-coated interface a transmission probability calculated according to Fresnel theory. It has been integrated into Geant4 version 11.1 released in Dec 2022.
ProMeSCT is an algorithm developed in collaboration with I2M recently published in IEEE TRPMS (2021) for spectral CT allowing for the simultaneous decomposition into multiple constituents of interest, which can adapt to the categories of images acquired by the scanner via a large set of possible regularisation functions to increase the contrast and the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed 3D volumes, even when the detector has a single energy threshold per pixel.
Time-of-flight Imaging Array for real-time monitoring in hadrontherapy
Deep-learning data processing of spectral PC-CT longitudinal studies to design and optimize combined Immuno-anticancer Treatments in liver cancer mouse models
has been approved for funding by the 2020 AAP 80❘Prime of the MITI du CNRS.
XPAD hybrid pixels are used to monitor the growth of liver tumours in mice
Low dose X-ray PC-CT using hybrid pixels has enabled biologists to monitor the development of tumours in mice for several months. This was made possible by collaboration between CPPM and IBDM, and published in iScience (2019).